Friday, October 9, 2015

Flashback Friday #3 -'Out of Character'

Looking through my old folders, I find myself looking at 95% fantasy art. And then boom. Something like this:

lol, lol, lol.
This was a friday lunch-sketch challenge I'd done with some colleagues ( theme: Chocolate).

Anyone looking at my portfolio of work would think this highly out of character
 -- unless they've actually spoken to my silly self.

Falling upon this now reminds me that it's great to get out of your habits and muck about. Sometimes the result is something much more true to character :)

Friday, October 2, 2015

Glimmer Tree

So, I'm officially on maternity leave and the proud (tired) parent of a small creature who (albeit being wonderful) is an enormous drain on my time and energy... Who would have thought? (Only every mother who has ever existed)

I naively thought I would have a ton of free time while he slept, but, as can be discerned by my lack of posts, that's hardly the case. Don't get me wrong, this time is wonderful, magical (etc etc etc) and I'm enjoying it immensely... I'm just sad that I've lost the time for other things I love (like sleep. Oh I miss sleep...)

However--eureka!-- there's bee a small breakthrough in past days: I've discovered that I can wedge a nursing pillow into my computer chair and do a bit of loose sketching, while he snoozes away.

Just taking the time for little sketch exercises feels great (and is much more rewarding that binge-watching tv series on netflix).
