Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Back from the Dead... Again

Since my last post was, quite appropriately, an apology for being absent due to work, I won't waste time repeating myself. I'm still in the same place of employment and exceedingly busy due to a promotion... and I'm about to become busier yet since I'll be going on mat leave. Life, I've noticed, doesn't slow down to let you catch up.

Excuses, whether to myself or to others, to avoid work will always abound, so it's my goal to structure my time and make the opportunities to communicate and post what I do, for those who care to follow :)

That being said, I'll be doing some thinking regarding what I'll post to this blog.

The past year and a half has effectively restored my faith in humanity (and my gaming colleagues) and I've learned a great deal about how to collaborate with such a diverse group of people. I have knowledge, creative philosophies and anecdotes to share.

At the same time, I still enjoy showing processes and the minor revelations that come when I learn something new.

...And of course, there is also some of my more narrative side-projects that have languished in the dark for too long... They need sunlight and outside opinions to grow...

I'll make no promises to change all at once--there's a word for that: overcompensation--since my previous attempts after a long absence have proved that it doesn't stick.

But I'll be around...

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